These files implement a simple daily to-do tracking system. The included 'mkfile' does most of the work. Typically, just invoke 'mk' from $home/lib/daily to create and open log files for today and tomorrow. Running 'mk plan' will copy today's and (if it exists) tomorrow's daily files to $home/lib/plan, with a date header. This is intended for use with finger; see: The file 'cf' provides "carry-forward" of incomplete tasks from yesterday's log file to today's. When run from $home/lib/daily, It will copy forward incomplete checklist line items, but none of the other text in the file. The file 'f' provides the formatting I use for non-checklist line items. This isn't really needed, but it works well with how 'mk plan' creates plan files. I don't love storing the files this way, and 'mk plan' should arguably do this for us. For more information, see