tw(1) is a simple twtxt client for Plan 9 written in rc. It consists of a set of tools to retrieve feeds from accounts you follow, generate a unified timeline from them, read that timeline, and write updates to your own feed. Typical usage might look like: :; tw/w 'Hah... my silly twtxt client now has "stories" mode.☺' :; tw/mktl -p # This can live in cron. :; tw/r 2021-02-14T01:25:30-08:00 Hah... my silly twtxt client now has "stories" mode.☺ Configuration for the installation lives (somewhat awkwardly) in the executable directory in a file "lib". By default, just put a list of URLs you'd like to follow, one per line, in $home/lib/feeds and create a dummy $home/lib/web/tw.txt (a dummy example is included). See the man page for more info; 'nroff -man tw.1'.